Xero HQ: Manage user access for organisations with external subscriber
My Xero - Managing staff access to clients
I suppose we have a large-ish accountancy - in My Xero I get a full list of all clients I get access to; that's 25 pages of clients at 50 clients per page. I see all clients irrespective of whether the subscriber is internal (within our accountancy) or external (the client).
We need to add a new admin staff member and give them “Manage users” + “Payroll admin” to all entities. In My Xero, I drill down into the Staff list, click on the new user and it says I have access to 1190 clients. There are a couple I have read-only access to but it's mostly Manage Users and a subset with Payroll Admin.
I tick the client box and it says it's selected 1160 clients. I click on the Edit permissions button, then click Edit permissions again. On the next screen I tick Manage users & Payroll Admin, untick Notify & hit Save. It then obediently applies the settings.
After it's done, I interrogate the client access and discover it has not touched any client files where the subscriber is outside of our organisation, even though I have Manage users.
Now to do the remaining entities I process them one at a time (bearing in mind I have to do that in the same window), once complete it goes back to page 1 and I have to navigate to the right page to find the next client and go through the whole process again. Doing this for over 100 clients can take days.
I suggest the Assign clients function be expanded to include externally subscribed/managed practice entities. There could be a new check box that, when ticked, includes externally subscribed entities.

Stasha Dunn commented
Where a client invites the adviser, but doesn't tick manage users' box, the invited user is the only staff member that can access the client's data file. It would be ideal if the invited staff member had the ability to add staff within their firm to access the file. Currently we need to contact the client and ask them to update the user profile to tick manage users to be able to delegate work to other staff. If the manage user box is ticked, you can choose if a specific staff member has access or not. It should be made easier for the invited staff member to delegate work without having to contact the client to tick the mange user box.