UK Tax - Tax Return/Filed accounts status reporting
Please can we have a simple Tax Return Status report that we can run by tax year (or other appropriate filters) that shows all the relevant fields that I can see on personal tax return screen.
This way we would be able to run a report for a particular tax year and see who we still have to do by way of a control check. This would also be useful on the company tax and accounts side
I would also like to see a date finalised on there so we can review and plan for the next tax season
I also think for this to work, it would be useful to be able to have a bulk create a tax return record for the new tax season.
We have been embracing Xero Tax for our 21/22 tax returns season to identify what gaps we may have before completely abandoning our existing tax software and would love to have a further conversation about these points.

Pauline Smith commented
This is essential for company tax - at the moment there is no clear way to see outstanding company tax returns.