Pay Dates
Payroll Posting
Please could you find a way to post payroll figures to the tax month rather than the calendar month.
The current system poses a problem for employers who pay their employees after the month end i.e. October payroll paid on 5 November. Currently the figures are posted to November instead of October which is frustrating for the employer as it means they need to do a manual journal for the figures to appear in the right month.
Hey Esther, thanks for submitting this idea. Appreciate that seeing the run in the next tax month can cause some confusion.
Currently when you post a pay run, the date on the journal entry will be the payment date of the pay run.
This is intentional, and is required for RTI filing.
HMRC have specific advice for when payroll reports are misaligned with payment dates and tax periods, and you can read more about that here.
As such, there are currently no plans to change the ways pay runs are reported to align the payment dates with the previous tax month.
I agree that the payroll submission date should be left alone but from the accounts perspective it would be great to auto reverse the payroll journal and repost to the correct month.