Xero HQ - View Awaiting approval bills across multiple companies
When you have multiple companies using Xero and utilise the function to approve bills in Xero for audit tracking purposes you need a way to view the number of bills "Awaiting approval" in all of the companies in one place.
It is very time consuming to open each company individually in order to confirm that there are bills that need approval.

Stephen Davies commented
I can see this was submitted a while ago, I was going to submit something similar as I'm a director on 10 companies of varying sizes, with multiple employees, book keepers and accountants accessing the different companies in Xero all of which I have access to. It would be great to have one "summary page" which showed all invoices awaiting approval or awaiting payment across all companies, rather than having to login to each separate company to see whether anything needs paying. Hopefully it'll get picked up and acted on.