XPM - Relationship option for 'Unitholders'
In XPM there is currently no option for Unitholders in the Relationships section. Currently need to use either Shareholders or Beneficiaries so that information flows into Group Structure charts that receive data from XPM, neither being ideal particularly when sending that chart to banks.
Request that a Unitholder option be added to the Rekationships.

Jacqui Patuleia commented
Can Xero please address the need for Unitholders to be added as an option in relationships. Adding the number of units would also be helpful.
Dande Taxplan commented
Hopefully this gets addressed sooner rather than later. Doesn't seem like too much to ask??
Carmen Torraca commented
It's essential to be able to add the actual relationships across a group of entities.
Xero Manager commented
Add a relationship option for "Unit Holder" along with the "number of Units". This would be very helpful when setting up Unit Trusts in XPM.
Darriel Mendoza commented
Need to reflect in the relationships section what the actual relationships are across a group of entities. Using Shareholders or Beneficiaries as alternative options is not correct because this doesn't tell the actual and legal nature of the entities involved e.g. shares and units are not the same.