Practice Manager | Actual time reports based on actual time (not rounded)
If you have your firm time billing set to round up then all of the reports - even actual time reports, report the rounded hours and not the actual minutes worked. This is really inaccurate and makes it really difficult for me to get a good gauge on employee billing and performance. Please look at amending any reports using a rounded time figure that should be actual time.
In addition and also critical to this issue XPM timesheets for payroll but I am also pretty certain that if you are using XPM timesheets for your payroll it pulls/exports the rounded time rather than the actual time across to Xero.

Daniela Depetro commented
The Productivity Dashboard calculates productivity different to that of a built report. The % of productivity on the dashboard should be calculated as follows
- Actual Productivity Divided by Actual Hours.
Currently it divides Actual Productivity to Actual Capacity which is incorrect. The Actual Capacity is not actual hours and it needs to be