Reporting - Ability to set reports as favourites across all organisations
As an accountant I use a trial balance for every file I open.
Can the trial balance be set as a standard report/ automatically added to favourites in the accounting option or each user be able to chose a standard group of favourite reports for all clients - Pain having to go into each new file i access and add to my favourites.

Alison Hogg commented
I work across hundreds of clients a year, and the ability to be able to set a favourite of Fixed Asset Reconciliation would be amazing across every sub I access. And I'm never accessing the same subs year on year either.
Julian Versloot commented
It's ridiculous that I have to set my favourites on an entity-by-entity basis. It would be much better if I could set a template for myself, where I could set all of my favourite reports which would then appear no matter which entity's ledger I'm in
Bruno Serra Di Migni commented
Tim Everett commented
When clicking on "Accounting" in Xero there is a default list of reports for every organisation.
Please can we add the trial balance report to this list by default, so that we don't have to manually add the report, every time.
Asim Usman commented
totally agree!!! nuisance to having to do this every single time!