Practice Manager - Bulk update ITR due dates within tax return
Practice Manager - Bulk update ITR due dates within tax return
If we request the income tax client report through Xero, the due dates update in the client detail level, but not in the tax return if they have already been created.
Being able to bulk update the due dates within the tax return, especially when deferrals are requested and successful with the ATO would be helpful as manually updating them all can be time consuming.

Alena Michurova commented
This would be beneficial, more efficient and time saving for all clients and managers. At the moment we have to check with the portal and import manually, which is a huge task.
Clive Nelson commented
This would be a huge time saving benefit. I don't know why this hasn't already been performed.
Matthew Hazlewood commented
I agree, what is the point if it does not populate the returns. You see the date on the return. You dont go looking on the client.