Hubdoc - Assign admin rights over clients and users to one practice user
Primary issue:
If the Accounting Firm wants to maintain control over a client's records and Xero integrations, then only one person can be the one that creates every client in HubDoc.
Workaround proposed - and the related issue:
- We were advised to create a dummy account for HubDoc to create the client files. This results in having to share a password - changing it frequently with staff changes.
- This also is not feasible due to the 2-Factor Authorization requirements
- This also creates a massive privacy breach risk for unauthorized access under PIPEDA (Canada) and PIPA (Alberta)
I own a CPA firm and have several staff - and I am too busy to set up the clients myself in Hubdoc. It seems that any one of my staff are able to create a Hubdoc account for a client, but then that staff member becomes the owner of the account as if they were a completely separate CPA firm.
I have no control nor access to client records if I am not added separately - and even then, if the staff member quits, I can't take the files over or transition them because the 2-Factor linking their account stays with them.
This is a major issue and it is making us consider going to DEXT just to maintain control - but we would rather support Canadian software developers like the ones that made HubDoc and TaxCycle.
This has been the sole reason why we have not been able to transition more clients to Xero for a fully integrated approach and are stuck using other providers.