Xero HQ - Ability to have multiple tax agents for STP lodgements
We use multiple tax agent numbers across our business yet when we lodge STP reports via the client's organisation, we can only use one tax agent number for all clients as Xero only allows for one tax agent number to be set in Xero HQ.
This is causing many issues, including staff and clients inadvertently updating tax agent details in the STP lodgment area on their own file, which is then updating the tax agent in HQ for all STP lodgements.
It is also causing issues with tax agent appointments/linking, where the client has to appoint one agent number for tax returns purposes, then a different agent number for payroll / STP purposes.
It does not make sense to only allow for one tax agent number in XHQ as large practices do not work this way.
Please add ability for multiple tax agent numbers.