XPM - Add customisable productivity reports
Productivity Reports
I am using report builder to create a productivity report for my staff. What i would like to show on the report is:
Capcity reducing time + billable time + non-billable time = total time for week
I would then like a productivity percentage calculated as billable time / (billable + non-billable).
I would also like this report to have a YTD actual column and YTD budget column so that on one report I can see how productivity as been for the most recent week but also YTD on the on the report.
This will then tell me how many hours/days a staff member has had off on annual/sick/exam/LWOP etc and also how productive they were for the hours they were actually at work.
I cannot seem to generate this report. If I just use billable plus non-billable their total time equates to less than 38 hours and i don't know if this is because they haven't added all their time or because they've had capacity reducing leave.

Aniket Maroo commented
We wish to undertake analysis by looking for the data contained in the "TIME PRODUCTIVITY - % Billable v Non-Billable Time - Staff Summary" report on a monthly basis in a tabular format.
Unfortunately even though this report is called a "Table Report", XPM does not allow for the year to date date range to be entered but then have the data populate in the report on a monthly basis. Such a feature would greatly enhance a practice's capability of keeping an eye on the operational data for service firms like accounting and legal practices