Hubdoc - Force document into review
Force Hubdoc to move documents into review. Often there is a document that has failed, and despite the price, supplier, date, etc, all being clearly visible in the document, it still fails. After filling in all the details I would like a way to 'force' it into review so I can leave it ready in the list to look at. Either this or give a valid reason why it has failed. Often almost identical documents fail or go into review for no reason

Roger Howison commented
Hubdoc's 'All' section places a green tick beside an invoice that it has managed to read, but that it may not have configured with Xero. This is quite a big problem, because that invoice will disappear off the home screen - down the list, but as it hasn't configured it with Xero, I don't see it in the 'Bills I Need to Pay' section of Xero. I have had suppliers call me wondering why I haven't paid their bill. And it's because it didn't show up in Hubdoc's 'Review' section. It is important that all documents should be automatically placed in 'Review' until they have been fully configured with Xero.