Xero tax: Display the financial year when lodging a CURNN
Currently when producing and filing (lodging) a CURNN is does not display the Financial Year it relates to. It would be very helpful to have the FY displayed so it is easily identifiable. The same as all the other Tax Returns.

Xero Ideas at GT commented
Not having the year means that the form does not actually show the information being lodged, which is not acceptable.
This has become an issue for a particular client of ours where we had to show evidence that we lodged a CURNN for a particular year and that the client had signed that form, but the document did not show the year so it was useless. -
Jeni Wilcock commented
Adding the year to this really great feature would be ideal, especially when you have multiple years for the same client, makes it confusing as is and should be an easy function to add - thankyou
Kieran Visser-Lewis commented
This is very important and would benefit Xero to add this feature to its software.