AU Tax - Automatic filing of a suspended return
It is a critical feature on a system we transition from to XERO tax, to be able to allocate to a finalized return a deferred date for the submission. On such and such date, all returns with that date and tag then come up, and with a touch of a single button all go to the ATO at the same time. The deferral function is critical where the client's return has a large tax bill, for example, and the client has other ways of utilizing the funds and keeping them for as long as possible (whether it's timing of the sale of share portfolio, keeping funds on the offset account, etc.) In Xero tax , instead you are left with combing through the returns and clicking one by one to file, which is not only dangerous as you will naturally miss one or few, but it's also incredibly time consuming (we have 300 plus or so of those), and requiring to have a separate record of such deferrals to avoid missing one.