Important in industries where you need to split out income from professional fees Vs billable expenses (which can also be professional fees from 3rd party) for licence applications etc.
We need to include total fees for whole financial year, and is currently a right pain in the A to go through each invoice individually and remove the 'billable fees' amount from the calculation when all income is billed to 'service income'. Yes, I know it would be easier to use separate income line, but client doesn't want this....
Important in industries where you need to split out income from professional fees Vs billable expenses (which can also be professional fees from 3rd party) for licence applications etc.
We need to include total fees for whole financial year, and is currently a right pain in the A to go through each invoice individually and remove the 'billable fees' amount from the calculation when all income is billed to 'service income'. Yes, I know it would be easier to use separate income line, but client doesn't want this....