Reporting - Billable Expense report for paid invoices
It would be really useful to have a report the same as the "Billable Expense Report - Outstanding" that shows the same info but for paid invoices, preferably with the ability to filter by invoice number or bill number

Thank you for sharing your feedback and voting on the idea here, community. While we've reviewed this idea and appreciate the needs in what you're wanting here, we want to be open that we don't have any plans for developing a billable expenses report of this nature in the near term.
We will continue to track the interest here, and share if anything changes.
INGE PRINS commented
A full billables expenses report, where we can see all billables expenses - allocated in an invoice or not. We are currently having to run 3 systems and duplicate work to keep track of these expenses. Please help us with a report!!
Kevin Crain commented
@Xero is anyone listening to this feedback ? What's the plan, i need this quite urgently.. its costing me a lot of time. Tx
Juliana Henry commented
A full billables expenses report, where we can see all billables expenses - allocated in an invoice or not - would be highly valuable for our operation.
Donn Houldsworth commented
Xero's response only helps going forward, I need the data going back... obviously Xero product is not that good if it cannot report on data that already exists.... this is a basic basic report, come on Xero, pull your finger out and create a report, its a simple query.
Charlotte Dickson commented
I want to run an account transaction report for subcontracters / materials so I can see everything posted to that account, and then have a column that shows whether the expense has been billed to a client or not.
Jon Cover commented
This is a critical feature for our business as we need a way to check that any expenses that should have been allocated to a customer, are on an invoice. Have a report called expenses or something where you can select specific code of accounts and then it should have all the transaction details plus a column that is either referencing an invoice number, is 'unassigned' or is blank - I want to make sure we are not missing revenue because we have forgetting to allocate an expense item to a customer.
Sue Bowley commented
Run Reports for Assigned Customer Expenses - It would be extremely helpful to be able to run a report for each of my customers to see total assigned expenses for bills that have been paid and approved, not only for unpaid bills.
Kate Garvey commented
This feature would be extremely useful. We aggregate expenses on the customer invoice but I would like to be able to view the individual invoices for our own internal reporting processes at the end of a job. The sooner we can get this the better.
Asha Browne commented
Hi there, I use the billable expenses feature on xero when invoicing customers. Generally on their sales invoice I'll consolidate all the billable expenses onto one line item for easy visualisation. But if the client requests, I'd like to be able to produce a report with itemised breakdown of the billable expenses sent to the customer on their invoices. is there a report I can use in Xero to do that? Or do i need to generate a custom report? At the moment I can only find billable expenses - outstanding as a report option for this feature. Many thanks,
Asha -
Edward Ackerman commented
How soon can this happen?
Paul White commented
Completely agree
Chris Tinta commented
Please make this happen ASAP :)
Will Sephton commented
How this isn't already a feature is beyond me.
We can run the outstanding expenses, so surely it would be logical to see linked?
Vanessa John commented
I agree this is a must-have feature, invaluable for clients at the year end :-)
Vanessa John commented
I would definitely support this - a very useful feature to allow me to report back to my client at the year end.
Emma Tymms commented
Important in industries where you need to split out income from professional fees Vs billable expenses (which can also be professional fees from 3rd party) for licence applications etc.
We need to include total fees for whole financial year, and is currently a right pain in the A to go through each invoice individually and remove the 'billable fees' amount from the calculation when all income is billed to 'service income'. Yes, I know it would be easier to use separate income line, but client doesn't want this....
Kulchuma Khatun commented
Please add 'Assign to' column on the 'payable invoice detail' report so i can see which employee has assigned their expenses to customer for us to recharge it to. Please do this urgently, just one column needs to be added. Thanks
Ria Moore commented
I have the need to easily identify a breakdown of billable expenses that have been added to any given invoice via the invoice screen itself without having to move back into the Expenses function and try to work out which ones have been allocated to it.
Perhaps a link accessed from the invoice line that takes you to the list of only those expenses that have been added to it. It will help quickly resolve any queries from Customers.
Steve Pearson commented
This would allow the tracking of items, purchased and sold to the customer, back to the supplier bill from the customer invoice number