I need the 'Date created' field added to the Account Transaction report so i can easily pick out new transactions added to specific accounts.
My typical search would be against the Gross Margin accounts for 1Jan - 31Jan, filtered by created date of 1Feb onwards - this would pick up any transactions entered for the period after the period had ended.
I know this is currently possible in the 'Payable Invoice Detail' report but i need a report that includes bank payments plus manual journals.
I see this feature as being very valuable to many Management Accountants needing to add new data to their reports.
ADD 'Created Date' to Account Transaction report
I need the 'Date created' field added to the Account Transaction report so i can easily pick out new transactions added to specific accounts.
My typical search would be against the Gross Margin accounts for 1Jan - 31Jan, filtered by created date of 1Feb onwards - this would pick up any transactions entered for the period after the period had ended.
I know this is currently possible in the 'Payable Invoice Detail' report but i need a report that includes bank payments plus manual journals.
I see this feature as being very valuable to many Management Accountants needing to add new data to their reports.