Account Transactions Report - Show date transaction was raised
For the account transactions report please can you add more column options to include the contact/supplier name and entered date. This is helpful in analysing the transaction data further.

Oscar Carshagen commented
Super important
Harvey Reynolds commented
I review postings by bookkeepers to Xero.
It would make things easier if the account transactions report could be filtered by the date that new invoices and journals were posted.
For example, when writing this I am in the middle of reviewing changes to the quarter ended 31 August 2024. If I could identify the new invoices added to that quarter it would save me time.
The date I am talking about is the actual date the invoice or journal was added, not the date entered on the invoice.
Rebecca Johnson commented
Account Transactions Report - Please add "Created Date" Column option to the Accounts Transaction Report
Currently "Created Date" is only an option on "Payable Invoice" and "Receivable Invoice" reports.
This can make it much more difficult to audit certain areas such as VAT to reconcile historic periods where late postings have been made.
Amy Ellis commented
I need to be able to sort accounts transactions by posted date so that I can see what transactions I have already invoiced back out for transactions I need to recharge another company for instead of manually going through each transaction one by one to see if it has been recharged. As we progress throughout the year, this will just become more and more time consuming
Sherif Mahmood commented
This report is absolutely critical for us, we run parallel finance systems as a shared service centre, a whole host of our subsidiaries use Xero and unfortunately people have been back posting and we need the actual posting date along side the date of transaction as well as the persons name who posted it. Can this be built into the account transactions report? Please let me know if this is possible on +447462182999 uk number.
Alan Clarke commented
100% agree with Luke Irving below. If you are working in a team, this feature is essential.
"It would be really helpful if we could add a column to Account Transactions reports to show the date the transactions were entered on the system. History and Notes Activity is insufficient for this purpose because it doesn't allow us to filter by transaction date (as far as I'm aware)" -
Jonathan Pavlou commented
Get onto it please Xero👍🏼
Jonathan Pavlou commented
Please do this. Will save a mountain of time when trying to determine changes to accounts after year end has been completed and the 'Lock date' has been missed.
Chris King commented
ADD 'Created Date' to Account Transaction report
I need the 'Date created' field added to the Account Transaction report so i can easily pick out new transactions added to specific accounts.
My typical search would be against the Gross Margin accounts for 1Jan - 31Jan, filtered by created date of 1Feb onwards - this would pick up any transactions entered for the period after the period had ended.
I know this is currently possible in the 'Payable Invoice Detail' report but i need a report that includes bank payments plus manual journals.I see this feature as being very valuable to many Management Accountants needing to add new data to their reports.
Luke Irving commented
It would be really helpful if we could add a column to Account Transactions reports to show the date the transactions were entered on the system. History and Notes Activity is insufficient for this purpose because it doesn't allow us to filter by transaction date (as far as I'm aware)
Hayley Kenny commented
Please - this would actually save hours and hours of time. Going through each individual transaction to find it's entered date is far too long! Sage has this feature.
Jennalyn Tolo commented
Hope to have a Column for Created Date and Last Modified Date that users can filter for the Sales Tax Report or Account Transactions report so it will be easy to track transactions that was changed.
Karen Bradshaw commented
Example - Needed to identify entries posted to GST account after previous BAS was reported. This is needed to confirm validity/audit trail of prior period adjustments needed for following BASs.
Stephanie Tomes commented
yes please - this is a definite gap vs Sage functionality
Ivelina Ivanova commented
This would be really helpful as our credit insurer requires a report of all invoices paid within the past month, plus the date when the invoice was due ("due date"). Therefore, in addition to the date of invoice, please add the "due date" option
Annet Oostveen commented
This would be a wonderful feature and will help with the majority of reconciliations.
Long Fei Lim commented
Posted date and time for Journal Summary page and Account transaction page. We can easily see when the account is being posted as sometimes balance sheet reconciliation is done but another person may post in after the reconciliation is done. If we can filter by date, it will be easier for reconciliation.
Shirin Dawood commented
Also date when altered helps with audite