Settings and activity
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589 votes
Thanks for your expressions and feedback in a bulk download or print facility for Files (either from the Files library or at an individual transaction level)
We know that bulk operations can be handy, however at this time we have no plans to develop this functionality. We know it might seem like a small feat, however often even small change is more tightly woven and intricate to solve beneath the surface.
While we understand this must be frustrating to hear, we’re currently focused on making improvements in other areas of Xero and are unable to prioritise a bulk download or print feature right now.
However, in situations like these there are often connected apps through the Xero App Store that may be able to assist. We appreciate and will revise solutions that could fulfil needs in this space, but want to be honest this isn’t something we have plans for…An error occurred while saving the comment
Would be super handy thanks!
Recently did an overseas trip for a customer with agreed direct billable expenses. Would be super handy if I could either bulk export all associated billable expense files/receipts to hand over to the customer alternatively, if it was possible to send as a file with the invoice. I can allocate the billable expenses but then have to manually attach the already associated files? I know double handling is just accounting way of life but this is a little impractical?
As it stands I have to manually open each transaction and save the associated file. Very time intensive and not overly practical....