Staff Access to Xero Clients- I have more than 200 clients. I am struggling assigning the clients to my Team using new method especially when new team member join and i need to allocate 50 clients to him. Is it possible to allow old methods as an option who want to use that. It was more helpfull as I could assign multiple clients at same window instead of one by one in this new way. Also In new way client are in random order and there is no way sorting them in assending or desending order.
Staff Access to Xero Clients- I have more than 200 clients. I am struggling assigning the clients to my Team using new method especially when new team member join and i need to allocate 50 clients to him. Is it possible to allow old methods as an option who want to use that. It was more helpfull as I could assign multiple clients at same window instead of one by one in this new way. Also In new way client are in random order and there is no way sorting them in assending or desending order.