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2 results found
5 votes
Elaine Jones supported this idea ·
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20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elaine Jones commented
Day Rate
Please would you consider adding a Day Rate to Products & Services / New Item. Currently there is an Hourly Rate, Fixed Price and Non-Chargeable but no Day Rate. As an Engineering Consultancy many of our jobs have a day rate attached to them and currently we have to work our way around this but it's not ideal as errors do occur. Thank you.
Elaine Jones supported this idea ·
Yes, absolutely agree. We are an Engineering Consultancy and recently put forward an idea about a day rate which is very similar. And, like yourself, find the options currently available, make life a little tricky and a concern that time could be missed or miscalculated. Like you say, it's very cluncky.