Projects - quote for a number of visits a year - NOT time specific visits.
In Projects I would like the option to create a quote, track and invoice my client where the charge is per "session" Currently Tasks are either fixed price (which does not allow me to quote for a quantity of the same item over the course fo the project) or they are hourly based and my client does not wish the time spent to be shown on the quote or invoice. My situation is that for example my client approves 40 weekly sessions over the course of a year at £250 per session. Neither I nor my client wishes to show the time duration of each session. However I do need to be able to track and invoice the sessions on a monthly basis as completed. It appears that the only current workaround is to create 48 identical "fixed price" (one for each session) as items on the project and quote which seems very clunky.

Elaine Jones commented
Yes, absolutely agree. We are an Engineering Consultancy and recently put forward an idea about a day rate which is very similar. And, like yourself, find the options currently available, make life a little tricky and a concern that time could be missed or miscalculated. Like you say, it's very cluncky.
Paul Cartledge commented
-great idea Gemma - i also need to invoice clients for multiple sessions where the time is a bit "fluid" - I am sure I can still use Proejcts to track the actual time I spent on the project but the ability to quote for multiple fixed price tasks over the course of a project would really be helpful