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Account Transactions: Receipts - Send automated 'payment received' e-mail when payment is reconciled
337 votesHi all, appreciate and understand the support in being able to automate processes such as communication of payment received with a customer.
Though seemingly simple there are a few complexities that'd need to be accommodated for when considering the solution here - such as behaviour for re-reconciliations (Remove & redo has been used), split transactions or Mark as reconciled is used.
Our product teams in this area are working on building on beautiful experiences throughout Bank Reconciliation, which you'd have have experienced this first with the Reconcile tab and they are now moving through other pages and features in Bank Rec - This'll take some time and with that at the fore-front right now we want to be upfront that we don't have immediate plans to add an automated email when a transaction line is reconciled.
As we embark work on the Account Transactions tab we'll be able to revisit…
An error occurred while saving the comment Mary-Anne van Adrichem supported this idea ·
This feature is desperately needed. As someone posted on one of the query threads - it takes 7 mouse clicks to send a receipt. We have a majority of members who need a receipt to claim back from their government funded package. As a SME every automation we can incorporate is critical to the success of scaleability and staff time.