Like others on this string, being able to invoice a progress amount whether that be hourly rate or percentage completed (all with variations) is simply a basic function of carrying out ongoing projects.
The invoicing platform as it stands is a very simple one of payment for goods and services rendered arrangement and does not incorporate longer terms 'project' invoicing requirements.
As it stands, I need to create and invoice document, PDF then attached to the Xero invoicing platform then email the invoice, through Xero without the Xero generated invoice to avoid hacking attempts. I am essentially using Xero as a postbox.
Surely this is a priority
Like others on this string, being able to invoice a progress amount whether that be hourly rate or percentage completed (all with variations) is simply a basic function of carrying out ongoing projects.
The invoicing platform as it stands is a very simple one of payment for goods and services rendered arrangement and does not incorporate longer terms 'project' invoicing requirements.
As it stands, I need to create and invoice document, PDF then attached to the Xero invoicing platform then email the invoice, through Xero without the Xero generated invoice to avoid hacking attempts. I am essentially using Xero as a postbox.
Surely this is a priority