Admin as well as our employees are very frustrated that they cannot request leave that matches their current part time status by entering just their leave dates or at the very least - have the ability to enter thathe amount of leave hours claimed for the pay periods!!! .
We would expect that a software program as established and as sophisticated as Xero would have the ability to do this.
Manually going through and averaging the hours worked over the previous period and dividing by the number of pay periods to come up with a percentage of full time hours to apply to each pay period..and then manually calculating the hours...seems ridiculous in this day and age.
Admin as well as our employees are very frustrated that they cannot request leave that matches their current part time status by entering just their leave dates or at the very least - have the ability to enter thathe amount of leave hours claimed for the pay periods!!! .
We would expect that a software program as established and as sophisticated as Xero would have the ability to do this.
Manually going through and averaging the hours worked over the previous period and dividing by the number of pay periods to come up with a percentage of full time hours to apply to each pay period..and then manually calculating the hours...seems ridiculous in this day and age.