It is madness that Xero seem reluctant/unwilling to create a standard CSV file showing Employee name, Bank account info and Net pay? with that i believe ANY upload file could be subsequently created for submission to the majority of banking instituitions.
Payroll is a staple part of every business and it would be "common sense" for this to be already available rather than the current "standard 18 format" that all banks i work with do not recognise!
It is madness that Xero seem reluctant/unwilling to create a standard CSV file showing Employee name, Bank account info and Net pay? with that i believe ANY upload file could be subsequently created for submission to the majority of banking instituitions.
Payroll is a staple part of every business and it would be "common sense" for this to be already available rather than the current "standard 18 format" that all banks i work with do not recognise!