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  1. AU Payroll - prefill employee address like how it does when entering business address in the inital setup

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    Hey Sara 👋

    Thanks for sharing your idea! 

    You'll now have the option to use an address lookup in the initial employee set-up screen and in the employee details screen.

    This is part of our 'Building on Beautiful' work, you can read more about it on our Xero Central page here 😁

  2. Currently under employees leave tab you can assign default leave types, but you can't define what the default leave types are.
    Perhaps there is a simple checkbox for leave items in the payroll settings that allows you to choose.
    Currently I have 4 leave types set as default, when I only really need two.

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    1 comment  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone, I'm changing this idea to Delivered! 🥳

    Leave types can be defined as default when a value in the 'Normal Entitlement' field in Payroll settings is entered.

    To remove this leave type from being added each time a new employee is entered, you can:

    1. Click into Payroll, then select Payroll settings
    2. Click Pay Items tab, then Leave
    3. Click on a Leave Type that you'd like to remove as a Default Leave Type
    4. Remove the number of units the employee is entitled to each year under 'Normal Entitlement'
    5. Click Save
  3. A detailed pay run journal report would be much more useful than the current summary version. It is especially unhelpful that selecting the entry in an expense account just takes you to the pay run - it doesn't show you what is coded to which expense account. With many employees this can take a long time to find errors or to manually journal multiple costings

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    5 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hey community, 👋 thanks for all your support on this idea, I'm popping in to switch it across to delivered! 

    Last year, we rolled out support for the new journal reports 🎉 These can be filtered by account and account code or even the description.

    For more information check out our support article on our new Journal reports here.

    Thanks again for your feedback. We know this has been a highly anticipated feature for the community and we appreciate your contributions.

  4. At the moment there doesn't seem to be a way to pay a monthly employee a basic monthly salary without the hourly rate changing to reflect the number of working days in the month. Please can there be an option to pay a monthly employee a basic 12th of their annual salary each month and the hours per month are set to the average of a 12th of their annual hours so that the hourly rate for overtime etc stays the same each month.

    Thank you.

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    5 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone, we’re pleased to share that we’ve now released working patterns to all UK organisations that use Xero Payroll.

    You can now enter more information about employees’ working patterns to support leave and earning rates calculations and save you time. You’ll be able to:

    • Create or select from working pattern templates
    • Add working patterns manually or using the template
    • Setup multiple weeks of a working pattern

    Being able to set up to 13 weeks in a template means you’ll be able to accurately reflect employees’ that may work differing hours through weeks in a month like you’re after here. We’ve shared a few videos on YouTube that’ll help guide you through the change 😊

    Thanks for all your engagement and sharing with us on the idea here.

  5. Could you please change the name on the Payroll Activity Details for Leave Loading Please. Not sure why you call it Annual Leave. It seems to be in the background and I can't change it. See picture attached.

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    1 comment  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hey community, 👋 thanks for your support on this idea, I'm popping in to switch it across to delivered!

    The Payroll Activity Details report now shows a breakdown of Annual Leave - Leave Loading separate from Annual Leave.

    Thanks again for your feedback.

  6. Hi,
    Is it possible to have a report added that includes columns for the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) NI, LEL to the Primary Threshold (PT) and PT to UEL for NI?
    Thank you

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    Hey all 😊 You can find a breakdown of NIC thresholds in the P11 report.

    This report shows the pay period YTD per employee as well a breakdown of the different NIC thresholds.

  7. I run alot of unscheduled payruns due to real estate sales commission payment and bonuses.
    It would be helpful if the Pay Run Journal report shows the actual Payment Date. Eg. I have an employee who is set-up for a regular monthly retainer wage paid on the 27th of each month. However during this monthly payment period, they can receive multiple other commssion payments. Can this please be put forward as an enhancement request to the developers?

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    0 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    This feature is already available, through the Pay Run Journal report 😊

    When posting the automatic pay journal, Xero will always use the payment date you've selected in the pay run for the date of the expense. 

    This is the date you'll see on the journal report. You can read more about on our 'Review payments using the Pay Run Journal' support article.  

  8. I've noticed the Payment Summary Details Report no longer captures all the data ie RFBA that is input during the STP finalisation process. Would be great if we could have a tidier and shorter one (selecting what you want) rather then the CSV file.

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    1 comment  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi Community - thanks for all your feedback on this idea!

    This morning we enabled PDF exports for the STP finalisation screen, and these exports will include all fields, including RFBA.

    There was also some requests for the ability to edit what's included in this pdf export. Conscious that this update doesn't quite deliver that, so I've spun that off in to a seperate idea 👉 'AU Payroll - Edit PDF export of STP Finalisation'

    You can follow the link to add your vote 😊

  9. I love the fact that our girls can do their timesheets with start and finish times and leave a comment. However, I need to see this when approving the timesheets for payroll.

    If their could be a way for the approved payroll person who approves the timesheets to see the start, finish, comments and total hours would be perfect. Otherwise I will have to keep using the old system of excel spreadsheet.

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    1 comment  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone, as you might have seen, earlier this year we added in start and end times as well as notes in time entries to Xero Timesheets.

    I’m pleased to let you know that we’ve added a bit of extra functionality to these two updates, for the manager view. If you’re authorised to approve timesheets you now have the ability to view start and finish times, any comments added, as well as total hours in both the web and Mobile app 🎉

    Thanks again for all your feedback!

  10. Payslip Notes - ability to write a note on an individual employee payslip not just one generic note for everyone.

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    5 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →
  11. In the new employment tabs in payroll especially painful if you have 100+ pay items and have to scroll down the list and MANUALLY click the item you want.

    Would like to start typing the name and have it jump down the list to that item, press tab and move on to the next section.

    Too much clicking involved.

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    0 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hey Kielan! 

    The 'Ordinary earnings rate' dropdown box supports text search as you've described 😊

    You may have to clear the field by clicking the x next to your earnings rate first, but once that's complete, you can type in your earnings item and select it from the results.

  12. Id' like to see the start/stop and break times added to web version too.

    It's great that they are available on the XeroMe Mobile app, but even though Australia requires this information, I can not require staff to download a workplace app to their private phones.

    If the format was available on the web version, staff would have no choice but to supply the information.

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    0 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi community, our product team recently released an update to the web version for Employees. You can now see start and end times, as well as record break times!

  13. It would be helpful with the new Timesheet features to be able to add more than one work time and break time per day to allow for split shifts.

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    6 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hey everyone, thanks for sharing your feedback throughout this thread. It’s clear how important this feature is, especially for staff working split shifts.

    I’m happy to confirm that our latest update to timesheets brings the multiple start, end and break times feature across to the updated timesheet experience, and will be available on both Xero Me mobile and web.

    For more information on these updates, and some other improvements we’ve made to Payroll check out our Xero Releases page

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    Hey Tristan!

    Thanks to some great work from our team,  you'll now find a link to your Payroll Settings in the Payroll menu drop down 😊

  15. Remove rejected leave items from view. As currently they are front an center even if related to a historic time for all employee when in desktop version of Xero Me.

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    8 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hey all, 👋  thanks for your support on this idea and sorry for the late update. I’m popping in to switch it across to delivered for our AU users!
    Just before the end of the year, we rolled out the option for employees to archive their rejected leave requests in Xero Me web.
    Thanks again for your feedback 😊

    For voters from other regions, if this is still something you’d like to see feel free to make a copy of this idea and pop the region in brackets.

  16. When booking more than one days holiday Xero does not allow you to edit the hours taken. Xero assumes everyone works a 5 day week. So if a part time employee who works 5 hours a day 3 days a week totalling 15 hours books two days holiday Xero assumes they will be taking just 6 hours when it should be 10. There is not an option to amend the hours taken like there is if you just book 1 day.

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    2 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi community, with the recent change in UK Payroll to introduce working pattern templates so now you can now create default work schedules for employees, ensuring their pay and leave are calculated correctly. You can have up to 100 templates with up to 13 weeks of entries. 

    Working patterns provide visibility around earnings rate calculations and will eliminate the need to amend miscalculations manually.

    We appreciate your interest in this here. Thanks 

  17. Allowances need the option to indicate whether they are applied to leave loading, overtime ,Leave types e.g annual, RDOs, persona, pretax, post tax. This is essential for STP2 and is available in other payroll solutions.

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  18. If xero payroll could suggest the next available employee number that would be so helpful, instead of having to scroll through the employee list and work out which number was last used.

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    Hi everyone, returning a few months on from our last update we're going to move this idea to ‘delivered’. The team have recently automated the generation of the employee number 🎉  Initially this is just for numeric employee numbers but they're also looking into how this can be done for non-numeric ones too.

    Thanks for all your support on this idea!

  19. Allow set up of payroll whilst waiting for agency status to come through from HMRC.
    Currently wont allow you to pass the HMRC page and start setting up payroll until you have agency access

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    0 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi community, appreciate the idea here. 

    Although you do need to enter Office/Reference details through payroll setup these can be updated later on.

    Instead, you can enter 'dummy' details. Then once you receive the correct credentials return to update these. 😊

  20. On the Employee tab when an employee moves pay rates it would be good to have a record of the history of changes to see when the rate changed and what all previous rates have been - this would make tracking rate changes and anniversary dates easier.

    So if the rate changes in the pay template then the change is recorded (link) to say notes to keep track of rate changes.

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    7 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hey community, 👋 thanks for all your support on this idea, I'm popping in to switch it across to delivered!

    Just before the end of the year, we rolled out support for ‘Payroll History’ in Australia 🎉

    It includes a history of changes made to the Payroll Settings screen, and to the Employee Record, enabling you to see pay rate changes at a glance.

    You can see the Payroll History in action on our Xero Blog post, Payroll history is launching in Australia.

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