Organisation settings - Charity mode
Ability to set up a Xero org for a specific charity organisation.
Purpose: Because charity organisations work differently (e.g. restricted/unrestricted transactions).
Kate Fargher commented
A real shortfall in Xero is that charity accounting is not provided for at all. So many charities use Xero, and there really should be SORP accounting report layouts (SoFA particularly) and charity tailored CoA. Xero, please consider this.
Kate Fargher commented
Would be good to have a charity mode, that came with charity settings, e.g. charity tailored CoA, and charity specific reporting, e.g. Statement of Financial Activities.
Jeremy Adderley commented
I think this could be helpful, but I use tracking to manage it so far - would prefer to see a global VAT control as we are VAT exempt and don't need to manage it