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  1. The "Outstanding bills" amount shown when viewing an invoice online is always shown in the Xero base currency, even when the invoice is in a different currency. This is not a good customer experience for international customers.

    Specific example: My base currency in Xero is NZD. When I send an invoice to an Australian client the invoice is in AUD. When the client views the invoice online, it has AUD for the invoice amount, but in the blue bar at the top it shows "Outstanding bills" in NZD.

    Example screenshot attached.

    In Xero we have assigned "Australian Dollar" as the…

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  2. We need to be able to run a report of historical Expense Claims, by Customer contact in order to see what Expenses were entered for a certain time period. The Expense Claims Detail report does not show anything when I run it. I need the Expense Claim Report to be able to be sorted by our Customers names, not sorted by our employees.

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  3. We would like the option to setup a data feed in our Xero file for BPoint transactions to feed directly into Xero (like we have a data feed for our CBA business account). Currently these transactions come in through the CBA business account with no detail other than that they are a BPoint payment, whereas if we had the BPoint data feed setup we could receive all of this information (client name, invoice number, amount etc) to reconcile automatically.

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  4. Ability to do a bulk transfer (to another account) from the cash coding screen - as we have to do this one by one currently

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  5. To be able to run Top Customers report showing the net figures and not just gross.

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    Aaah thanks for the clarification, Vicky and Alex. You could use the Management report to add the Top Customers report. Appreciate that the chart itself displays for Gross figures right now. We'll continue gathering interest for this here. 

    In regards to the sort order of the report - By default contacts will be sorted by the Gross column, however you can add a Net column and re-sort by clicking on any column header. 🙂

  6. It would be nice to have the option to attach files when using cash coding on the bank. To attach a file, I have to go back to the bank recon tab, find the entry and then attach the file. This wastes a lot of time. A small attach file icon or the option to attach a file on the drop-down will save a lot of time.

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  7. We've started using Projects and I've created a test project, sales and purchase invoice and have marked the sales invoice as paid.

    However the project summary report doesn't show that the client/sales invoice has been paid and this is so important for us to be able to plan our payment run for the direct costs relating to that client/project.

    Can this field be added to the report?

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  8. In the Accounts Transactions Report - Show all related accounts to include ALL split transactions regardless of how many there are.
    The current Report only display the first few, (please see upload) current format is not fit for purpose. Please under show related accounts, include split transactions not just the first few.

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  9. Add Graphs and Pie Charts of KPI's to the Management Accounts report as some client prefer picture diagrams.

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    Appreciate your feedback around how more visuals in reporting would aid when presenting business information to stakeholders.

    Though not direct within the Management report - Xero Analytics provides visual tools to assess and get insight into your business with Short term cash flows and Business Snapshot.

    Alongside this, our reporting team have also started release of a graph in the 'Expenses by Contact report' - It's available if you're running a US organisation atm, and will be with other regions soon 

  10. The current Statement Exceptions report in the Bank Reconciliation report pack doesn't differentiate between statement lines that were deleted individually and statement lines that were deleted as part of removed an entire statement. Both are listed as Deleted (Manually).

    It would be helpful if the report marked these types of deletions differently since only individually deleted statement lines still appear on the Bank statements tab/can be restored.

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  11. Prior to the new reports we were able to select different colours for budget variances on our Xero reports. Green for on budget or better than budget and red for below budget.

    This was immensely useful when going through reports in monthly management meetings as it meant over or under performance in any line was easily recognisable.

    Please can you bring this simple feature back!

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  12. Xero Expenses - Limit the selection of VAT rates available for employees to select (we have a client who has domestic reverse charge, reverse charge and other VAT rates that the employees will never need to select and therefore it would be better to reduce the available list for them to select from otherwise they are more likely to select the wrong rate)

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  13. The old Supplier Invoice Report which is due to be turned off in July displayed the totals for the gross and outstanding balance columns in the original currency. This doesn't appear to be possible in the new version of the report, even when it is grouped or filtered by original currency so that items with the same currency appear together.

    Can this be added before July please, or failing that, keep the old version of the report in place until it has been done?

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    Hey all, just popping in with a quick status change!

    Whilst we have added in a column for original currency, it's not possible to view subtotals for this column.

    Understand that there's some interest from the community in this feature, so we're re-opening this idea to continue to collect feedback 😊

  14. Ability to apply a vendor credit note to a customer invoice. Currently need to code to a clearing account than go to the customer invoice and apply to the same clearing account to clear. Would be nice to have the ability to apply directly to the customer invoice.

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  15. BNZ do not provide receivers with online access to accounts. Xero only allow BNZ bank feeds to be updated online. Receiving timely access to transactions is very important but BNZ & Xero have decided to cease this feature and not provide a solution for all customers.

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  16. It should be possible to search Fixed Assets by serial number using the existing search box.

    Otherwise the Fixed Assets registration feature is not that useful, because if you have i.e. 50 of the same asset you have to manually open all 50 assets to find out which one actually matches the SN of the asset you are disposing.

    If you can't search based on the serial number, what is even the point of entering it?

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    Hi everyone, thanks for your feedback and detail of why searching b y serial # would be of use. We understand how this'd be beneficial when you have multiple of the same asset being registered.

    At this time, as with a few parts of Xero our product team in the Fixed Assets space are focused on updating some core Fixed Assets technology to provide future capability and a consistent look and feel to what you've begun seeing in other parts of Xero like reports, and invoicing.

    We'll keep watching the support for ideas closely and share any updates with you all.

  17. New idea - In Reckon there is a little drop-down calculator you can use in the amounts field. So if for example you claim 60% business/40% personal for a vehicle expense, you can work it out in the box of a split transaction in the bookkeeping program rather than having to open a separate calculator. Likewise if you have a docket with both personal and business transactions on it, you can add them up within the transaction instead of opening a separate calculator.

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  18. Archive bank transactions so you can only see for example, from the start of that financial year or the start of the year you are in. Currently we can see all transactions from when we started to use XERO in 2021.

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  19. A button you can click to reverse the order of the columns in Reporting
    Typically the reports show the month in question closest to the account descriptions and then the prior months in columns to the right but we'd like to look at our current year starting with the earliest month in the column next to the account descriptions and the remainder of the year in columns to the right. This is particularly useful when building out projected cashflows.

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    You can re-order the columns of your report with the layout editor, Robbie. 🙂

    Once you've got the report set up as you like you can Save as Custom to easily access the report with this layout. 

    If you're like to make this the default layout there is also an option for this - see our help here & here

  20. Where recurring bills relate to monthly charges, invoiced on a daily rate, can a feature be set up so that the number of units automatically defaults to the number of days in the month of billing?

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