Account Transactions report - Filter Description by multiple terms
I need to search Invoice descriptions to find Invoices that have certain quote references.
I've found a workaround for this using an Account Transaction report and filtering on description. However I can't find a way to use an OR operator.
For example I can create a report that finds all quote references with "A0", and I can modify that to display a report that finds all quotes with a reference that contains "L0".
However, I can't find a way to create a single report that contains all quote references with "A0" OR "L0" (or "A0" OR "A1" OR "A2")

Thanks for the detail in your idea here, Paul. I had a bit of a test of this myself and have checked in with our reporting team.
It doesn't quite appear in the modal once the report's run - this is something that we'll look to improve.
However, it's possible to enter multiple terms which will each be searched and return results for (like OR as an operator) - All you need to do is enter a comma(,) and space between each condition.
For example A0, L0 or A0, A1, A2, 🙂
Thanks for the feedback, Paul- Yes, this is what was meant when saying it doesn't appear in the modal.
You're totally right on the way you go about clearing the selection completely - You'll need to remove the filter than re-add.
Our team have it on the backlog to improve how this is working. I want to be open this could be some way off, as they have a few things road mapped atm getting out all the functionality from the older to newer version of reports. -
Paul Wright commented
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for your reply, that can work for me, great 👍🏻
> "It doesn't quite appear in the modal once the report's run"
I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but I found a couple of 'bugs'. When re-editing the filter, only the first search "A0" in your example appeared. Any 'edits' then got added to the original search query, e.g. "A0, A1, A2, L0, L1, A0, A1, A2, L2".
The only way I could clear it was to remove the filter, then run a new search (clearing the filter field didn't work).
Thanks again 🙂