Budget manager - Ability to extend periods by more than 12 months
Can we please extend the budget manager period from 12 months to more than 3 years or whatever is possible? The data in the budget manager does not go beyond 12 months and if the budget is to be changed after a year of upload it doesn't have such access.
When working for a movie/film-making company the budget runs for more than 12 months and it needs to be changed time and again. But Xero doesn't have such an option which makes it impossible to get an accurate variance.
It would be great help.

Appreciate how you'd like to do this within Xero, however just to confirm it's currently possible to import budgets with more periods.
You'll just need to make sure to format the dates in your import file - more on this here.
If you'd like a practice run, try it in the demo company before importing into your own org 🙂
Amy Sporn commented
Can you please make the 3+ year budget / forecast available within Xero not just via the import feature, if you have to manually input the budget figures Xero only allows 2 years to be entered not the usual 3 year forecast.
Laura Devenney commented
It would be great if you could extend the reporting period for a budget to longer than 24 months. I work in animation and many of our budgets extend to more than the current available 24 month period. You would be opening Xero up to an entire new industry if this was an available feature
Mark Gregory commented
Why restrict the number of years in the dropdown. I tried to extend by adding months on the template and import but the dropdown still only allows 24 months as the longest.
Michelle Black commented
Also, many financial institutions would like to see a 5 year budget these days
Monica Rossi commented
I agree with the importance of this option being available asap, not only for the movie/film industry but also for international galleries, architectural studios and so on with budgeting needs beyond the12 months.