NZ Tax - Add barcode/link to barcode in client tax letters
Following on from advice from IRD. Is this something that is easy enough to create?
See email from IRD.....
We are getting a number of customers to our Front of house (reception) who require a printed barcode to make their payment at Westpac. As you might expect, many of these customers are elderly and it has been some effort for them to go to Westpac only to find they need a barcode to pay so they come to see us… before heading back to Westpac with their printed barcode.
Most have, in the hot little old hands, a lovely letter from their tax agent telling them how much to pay and by when. Some tax agents have even told their clients the various ways to pay including online or in person at Westpac, including that they will need barcode …including the link to generate one. However, the reason that these customers need to pay at Westpac is because there are either technologically illiterate or unconfident.
Could I please humbly request, that when notifying your clients of the amount to pay that you either include a copy of IR’s statement/notice of assessment, which includes a barcode, or that you generate the client a barcode for them to take to Westpac with their payment to save them tripping around the countryside.

Appreciate the meaning behind this idea to you all.
This is something we'd like to continue to track on the site here, however to upfront in order to generate the barcode there's work that'd need to be done on IRD's end to enable this.
We've reached out to engage them on this, but there is no immediate plans from our end, at this time.
Tracy Mawson commented
I have a list of those needing a barcode and print for them when we post out the notice. It would be good to have it print, not sure how IR generate the barcode though.
AdminDana A (Admin, Xero) commented
Thank you for giving us details about your idea here, Raelene! Fully understand how having a barcode can make your customers easily pay you.
We’ll keep monitoring the interest of your idea here to see the demand :)