Hubdoc - Show Tax Exclusive in the Edit Document tab
Making the tax exclusive options in Hubdoc showing in the Edit Document tab.
Purpose: To avoid publishing the document with the wrong tax type.

Tonia Rutherford commented
This is a nightmare for us - we need to see the VAT exclusive unit price in the Xero bill for our job analysis
Elaine Linden commented
It is necessary to be able to change the VAT element of an invoice before importing into Hubdoc. I have a client with partial exemption where this is crucial
John Pawson commented
This bug is making HubDoc unusable for us.
Jacob Reilly commented
i think there should be an option to make Tax Exclusive as default. what i find strange is that if you are adding multiple lines to an invoice you are able to change it to VAT exclusive but it will switch back to VAT inclusive for the next invoice.
Why are we able to do that but not have it set as default or use it for single line invoices? -
Allison Pearson commented
I agree with Kay Nicholas - please allow the VAT amount to be amendable in Hubdoc. It's a small ask but will be sooo much more efficient (clients ask about this all the time)
James Watts commented
If the tax can't be edited in Hubdoc, the next best thing for me would be for the draft bill to be imported as tax exclusive. At the moment, Xero brings all bills in from Hubdoc as tax inclusive. When you change the draft bill in Xero to tax exclusive, the unit price remains the tax inclusive amount. That means I have to overwrite the unit price with the tax exclusive amount and then adjust the tax amount if needed. If it was imported as tax exclusive, I would only need to adjust the tax amount.
Kay Nicholas commented
And please allow the VAT amount to be amendable in Hubdoc. This would save me so much time!
W Sleet commented
I would love to be able to edit the tax on an invoice on Hubdoc before pulling the information to Xero. At the moment I have to save an invoice as draft so that the tax can be edited before approving.
Luke Abbott commented
We've just started using Hubdoc to manage our purchase ledger but are running into problems due to the fact that Hubdoc does not seamlessly integrate with Xero like promised. We nearly always enter invoices in "Tax exclusive" so that you can manually adjust a tax line if required by a few pence due to rounding issues commonly found on supplier invoices.
However selecting "Tax exclusive" when entering the data in Hubdoc does not show the tax field to be able to make these minor adjustments. Even adding a line to round the invoice total does not work as the tax must agree exactly. The only very laborious work around appears to be to select tax extracted, change the tax amount to match the invoice then fudge a No VAT line to agree the overall total. This feels completely out of sync with Xero (let alone accepted accounting practice).
We need to see the tax field in Hubdoc when you have selected "Tax Exclusive" (just like Xero currently does).