Hubdoc - Bulk edit transactions
For manually uploaded receipts, the ability to edit the vendor and category in bulk would be be a big time saver.

Paul Morris commented
Yep this is what I came here for!
Taken on a client, introduced him to Hubdoc.... has uploaded 200+ documents, many to same supplier..... but now I have to not only set-up the configuration for every supplier (which I have no problem at all with) but I also have to click "Publish" on every single item.Having set up the autosync for any given supplier, would be ideal if then all further documents to that supplier could be bulk-approved.
Jay Wilson commented
please enable this would be huge for us
Ore Olawore commented
Mass archive would be great to have
Cobus Visagie commented
Mass Archive or at least an option to archive all docs between certain dates.
Jane Lee commented
Similar to bulk download function, this is also a critical function
Aileen Pennington commented
It would also be handy to bulk archive instead of having to do these individually.
Colin Campbell commented
This would be a great feature, I have a bunch of buyer created invoices which have been incorrectly read by HubDoc - and I just need to change the name of the organisation. (Currently working through 221 of them)