Xero Sign - Record IP address and email address used to login
Xero sign/Adobe sign
Esigning and the portal is excellent and very useful.
I get worried unlike when you use Adobe DC directly, Xero Sign does not give trails of who signed back to you.
Whilst probably not too likely things were not signedd correctly, I think we need more robust authentication with the IP address and the email address that was used to login being recorded into a report.
The drill down to confirm the transaction is not very helpful and I cannot work out in the secured pdf where to easily see thse things.
Most other providers have better reports to show it was truly signed by the correct login.
Example is had client sign for their spouse, but you cannot tell, and the auto signature if they use that gives you no idea it might have been the wrong person.
I'd also suggest that we only offer the 'draw' to sign option to help with real identification. Other options are a bit open to misuse.