Xero Tax | Return - Re-arrange/Re-sort Line Items
Would love to be able to re-arrange line items in Tax Returns as we have everything listed in alphabetical order. In HandiSoft, we could click and drag lines.
Example situation:
Shares in 2020
Shares in 2021
To add in ANZ, we need to delete BOQ, CBA and WBC, add in ANZ and then re-add BOQ, CBA and WBC. Very time consuming if there are multiple lines to add.

Jean Sutherland commented
This would be a great improvement to NZ tax returns. The lines should be able to be dragged and dropped. So time consuming to re-type them all when you want to move something or add a new item high up the list....
Nicholas Richardson commented
It would be a great QoL update to be able to reorder the line items within returns generated within Xero. When carrying forward items from prior years being able to add new items and accounts between the existing items would allow accountants to more efficiently prepare the returns and reflect any accompanying FS.
In the current state if you would like to add a new expense such as course fees between the consulting and filing fees accounts you would need to update the entire list carrying down each proceeding account one by one rather than simply adding one item and moving it to the desired position.
The function would hopefully operate in a similar manner to moving lines in manual journals and invoices/bills in the standard xero.
Paul Howlett commented
This functionality exists in the Manual Journals in Xero Blue, so we know that they're totally capable of implementing the feature.
Maneesha Marzol commented
@Janelle Sawtell, yes absolutely :) Ideally I'd like all lines for all items in the Tax Return to be moveable
Janelle Sawtell commented
This feature would also be useful in D1-15 Deductions area as well.