Practice Manager - TPAR Form
Add a TPAR tax form in Xero Practice Manager (XPM) so that we can generate signing pages like we can with a BAS or PSAR. When lodging via a client's Xero file or the ATO portal, we tick a box to say we have a declaration from the client, authorising us to lodge their TPAR, but there seems to be no report we can print to show them what we're going to lodge, nor signing pages that they can sign, so meeting this declaration requirement is proving difficult.
Also should be able to print a draft/published TPAR from a client's Xero file (like an activity statement).

John Lewis commented
With an import function please, so we can lodge TPARs in XPM regardless of the data source
Renee Cailes commented
I have no idea why this wasn't already included
Scott Lynch commented
This is an absolute must, i dont know how it was overlooked to begin with.
At the very least we should be able to print/download/export a PDF from Xero blue.
All we can do at the moment is download from Xero blue in ATO format or CSV
Expert Tax Accountants commented
Please ADD TPAR tax form
Jay Shah commented
Definitely need this ASAP.