Hubdoc - Increase Decimal Places when entering multiple line items.
When entering line items in Hubdocs it would be so useful if we could enter the same number of decimal places that are available in Xero. When we split invoices into line items it is very clunky having to make rounding adjustments because we only have 2 decimal places in Hubdocs, yet 4 in Xero.

Josie Hanigan commented
Time consuming to have to edit the entry once in xero, setting in hubdoc should be the same as Xero
Christine Skinner commented
Very important. I fully agree with previous persons. It is so time consuming entering into hubdoc, then modifying in Xero. Hubdoc should have 4 decimal places the same as Xero.
Judith Muenster commented
There are 3 suggestions for this same issue. Is there a way to combine the 3 together and form 1 larger one? Increase the ability to be seen and implemented?
Judith Muenster commented
This is very important. Hubdoc should have the same number of decimal places as xero. I shouldn't have to enter in hubdoc and then edit in xero to be correct.
Tasha Longmire commented
Strongly agree: If Xero goes to 4 decimal places, Hubdoc should go to 4 decimal places.
Paul McNulty commented
My diesel supplier prices litres in three decimal points but hubdoc can't cope with that and generates the amount incorrectly using two decimal points.
The work around is to modify the transition in xero but this is very clunky.