Practice Manager | Xero Tax (AU) - Link Tax Return to a job once it's been created
Currently there is no option as was advised by your Support Team. This will help keep most Tax Returns & Activity Statements linked to the correct jobs irrespective of how & when they are created.

Jocelyn Tamai commented
This would be so useful - it's happened so many times where a tax return has been created in the wrong job and there's currently no way to undo it
John Lewis commented
Would also be great to be able to sit a return Amendment under the contemporaneous Amendment job.
Mae Kudzius commented
It is frustrating that there is no still no option for this to be updated. At one point we were using the ATO connection to bring in AS and returns but they were continuously being allocated to incorrect jobs and there is no option to edit job it is connected too once the return is filed
Katrina Tohme commented
As new users to Xero, we have found this to be a very frustrating oversight. If accountants create a job, then later decide they want to bill it under a related client or send out the tax returns as a group, there is no option for them to unlink then relink tax returns to the desired job. This means we have to track multiple jobs for one invoice to ensure nothing gets missed during lodgement.
Carly Watton commented
As you cannot retrospectively link a return to an existing job, it would be great if there was a setting you could turn on that only allows the creation of a tax return once the Job has been created.
philip shugg commented
XPM accepts and creates draft tax returns ex ATO however this function does not set up a job. Should be able to create a new Job and move tax return to that new Job. Presently having to delete the return and recreate it in the new job which defeats the purpose
Linda Guo commented
Yes, would the Xero team please let us change the job that the BAS and TAX forms are linked to? Otherwise, it is very easy to forget the BAS amendment when we finalize the year-end.