XPM - Ability to view Job's state history
Be able to view a job's state history - to see who has changed the job's state / marked the job complete and when.

Cassandra Jobson commented
Why can't we see this for Job states? This would be so helpful in when statuses have been changed and we need to know why but not sure who changed the status so can't question the correct person.
Alicia Smith commented
We can see who created an invoice, who approved it, who sent it and on what date. Why can't we see this for Job states?
Arron Manalang commented
will be great feature!
Sharon Plant commented
This is vital so that w can analyse how long a job has been ready to start and ensure KPI's of turnaround are met.
Lindsay Egan commented
For Jab Manager 'state' it would be good to see when the 'state' has changed eg from waiting information to work in.