Invoice templates: Descriptions for advanced invoice fields
Currently the only way to view form fields for Xero Blue invoicing and email templates is in the editor, without an in-depth explanation as to what field actually does. More detail into which field does what would be appreciated, as some are a bit confusing just based off the name.

Thanks for sharing in the community here, Evangeline. Although not in the template itself, as Ethan shared earlier our Xero Central article outlines and provides description of the merge fields that are available and what these relate to.
Being open, we don't have intentions of surfacing this directly inside Xero, however we have integrated our content from Xero Central with the help menu in the product and you should be able to look up and find this sort of detail from relevant pages in the product (such as Invoice Settings). Depending what you type, Xero maybe also able to generate an answer for you to save you even having to click through to the content 😊