Reports: Support for charity reporting
Is there an easy way to create/run reports tailored specifically for charities or is it just me that I am finding it difficult to find ? I've got the charity set up as a non-for-profit organisation which doesn't seem to make much difference at all.
It's disappointed to see Xero doesn't have any reports templates for charities.
Executive report cannot be overtype as needed - It's not possible to change "Profit (Loss)" line within profitability to Surplus/Deficit.
Regarding Current Year Earnings, it isn't currently possible to rename this to current year funds, or to code manual journals from this to a different account which It's very important for charity accounts. Will this ever change ?

Jaspreet Lally commented
We have numerous charity clients who use the Funds function in Sage and the lack of similar functionality in Xero is preventing those clients from migrating softwares. The workaround for using tracking categories is not ideal and please bring in additional functionality which would work for charities.
Emily McEwan commented
Please add SORP accounts! I have lots of charity clients and current pay another accounting software provider to prepare SORP accounts.
Lynne Boyt commented
It would be helpful to be able to claim gift aid with an integration to HMRC, other packages offer this ability. ANd to have SOPR accounting built in woudl be a ral plus there are so many charities like us and Xero really doesn't cater for this sector
Kate Fargher commented
A real shortfall in Xero is that charity accounting is not provided for at all. So many charities use Xero, and there really should be SORP accounting report layouts (SoFA particularly) and charity tailored CoA. Xero, please consider this.
Kate Fargher commented
Would be good to have a charity mode, that came with charity settings, e.g. charity tailored CoA, and charity specific reporting, e.g. Statement of Financial Activities.
Karen Tonks commented
As a Charity we still have to pay an accountant to convert our xero reports into "Scout" and "charity Commission" speak -
Jeremy Adderley commented
I think this could be helpful, but I use tracking to manage it so far - would prefer to see a global VAT control as we are VAT exempt and don't need to manage it
Filipe Rosa commented
Nigel, If it was within Xero rather than having to do it manually outside of the system that would be much better. Xero has the 'management report' for companies, it's just not useful for non-for-profits which is a shame.
Nigel Kay commented
There are over 160,000 charities in just England and Wales excluding Northern Ireland and Scotland. The sector is valued at £20 billion.
The regulation are
An example is attached.
Jake McElwaine commented
It would be great to have compliant financial statements for Not For Profits such as Simplified Disclosures. Many other software providers have these such as APS and Sage etc.
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
Ability to set up a Xero org for a specific charity organisation.
Purpose: Because charity organisations work differently (e.g. restricted/unrestricted transactions).