Xero have been a bit quiet on the issue of MTD for ITSA. What is the suggested solution for ITSA? If the Xero plan is to charge the starter plan at £14/month (plus VAT) I think you will lose a lot of the market share. MTD for ITSA needs a simple £5/month solution for sole traders with ability to use expenses app for free. The costs of £14/month plus £2.50 for expenses is going to lose a lot of our clients to competitors like FreeAgent (which is free if you have an RBS/Natwest/Mettle account). Finding it hard to advise clients now on what to use because haven't seen/heard the Xero solution.

Thanks for your feedback, John - It'd be great to get you to join one of our demo webinars to see our MTD for ITSA product. They run every few weeks and you can sign up here.
Alternatively, reach out to your account manager who can help set that up. If you like the look of the solution you can start testing it with clients now, by joining the beta programme.
In terms of Xero plans, MTD for ITSA will be available on every plan. This means it'll be available on all business plans - Starter, Standard, Premium, but also all partner plans - Ledger, Cashbooks, Bureau, etc.
Clients may also be interested in the new app Xero Go, a simple business tracking and data capture tool, which links to a Xero partner plan so you can see the data and manage ITSA filings.
To discuss in more detail please reach out to your account manager or use our 1:1 MTD for ITSA free consulting service here.