Practice Manager | Report Builder - 12 month option in Monthly Summary reports
In XPM Report Builder, for "Monthly Summary" report types, there needs to be an option added for 12 months of data to report.
This would allow a full financial year's worth of data to be summarised monthly where required.

Daniela Depetro commented
Further to this - it would be good to add 'start of this year' and 'End of This Year' to the report builder criteria filters - see attached
Steven Dartnall commented
This is a no brainer!
An absolute must for for seasonal businesses. While you can select any 12 month period for a report you need to be able to Compare With the 12 months ended 1 month prior, 2 months prior, 3 months prior etc. -
Melanie McPhillips commented
Agree with this! Would be very helpful to have a 12 month option.