Practice Manager | Report - Client Search
the function to search for clients needs to be easier (similar to the search function) when you are trying to run reports in XPM. It is tiring to go through 3,000 clients on a list to select the one I want to view as the function to run reports only allows me to type the first initial.
It takes us almost 5-6mins to run a simple report

Graeme Wade commented
Its galling to see the Xero advertising telling ius how wonderful their software is when they can have something this bad in the market place. We shouldn't have to be wasting time voting to fix something that is currently utter rubbish.
Sharon Voisey commented
I agree. The time it takes to run this report is inefficient.
Christine Kearton commented
We need efficiences.
Cheryl Di Florio commented
this is a great idea, one of the very frustrating elements of XPM