NZ Tax - Automatically select 'Split Provisional 50/50' for clients.
It would be helpful if XPM could automatically select 'Split Provisional 50/50' for clients since the system already has the information from the IRD to do this. This would stop clients future provisional tax showing incorrectly on a current tax return and in tax payment reminders and would instead ensure the figures advised to pay agreed to the IRD's figures without us having to manually intervene.

Rebecca Thompson commented
Yes we would find this very helpful as well
Stu Wehner commented
I think this can already be done .. on the tax statement for the client if you click on the year and then into Settings there is the option to Split Provisional 50/50.
I understand that you have to do this each year for the tax statement - there is no system setting to change all years -
Tania Paul commented
We need the correct amount showing on the client tax return without having to make manual changes