Hubdoc - Integrate with inventory & tracked items
There is currently no option for tracking inventory items on Hubdoc, aside from using the tracking categories. It is very laborious having to go into each transaction on Xero, after being published from Hubdoc, and select the Tracking Inventory items which in turn when selected changes the rest of the details on the line including the description originally filled into Hubdoc!
It would save a great amount of time to include this field in the Hubdoc 'Destination' window and for Hubdoc to retrieve the inventory Items from the company's Xero account in the same way as the 'contacts' and 'accounts' lists.

Nicole David commented
I agree - has this been added yet?
Molly Bong commented
Please consider integrating with inventory & tracked items. This would help to work more efficiently.
Waldo Venter commented
Many of our clients use tracked inventory items.
Hubdoc helps with supplier invoices and reduces the time it takes to capture the supplier invoices but because one cannot link it in Hubdoc to the relevant tracked inventory items, we still need to capture it within Xero and it takes more time.
This functionality would really help to work more efficiently. -
Max Gooden commented
This would save a lot of hassle, please consider making this feature possible!
Diana Burger commented
I agree.
Within Hubdoc, when selecting the "multiple line items" input
and selecting an "Item" from the dropdown list of items created in Xero's "Products and Services"; We are unable to select a "Tracked Inventory Item" (only the "Untracked Inventory Items" are displayed as options .... If you could PLEASE make it possible to select Tracked inventory items here.