Hubdoc - Ability to copy & paste document details into Xero
It would be good if you could copy and paste from a document in HUBDOC. Like you can from any pdf format document.
eg If I enter an invoice in HUBDOC it would be good if I could go back to it and copy and paste the bank details into Xero like you can from any pdf document.

Lauren Thorpe commented
This function would make bookkeeping tasks alot easier as ability to copy and paste from invoice would make life easier as it can be done from Dext would be good if Hubdoc could also.
Jane Stergio commented
The document could be displayed in a pdf viewer, rather than as an image - then text can be copied from the pdf and pasted into the description field in Hubdoc.
Dext implemented this change about a year ago. -
Karen Davey commented
Yes. Having to type the description off the invoice onto the description box in Hubdoc is time consuming. Would be good to just copy the text description off the PDF of the invoice and paste it directly into the description box in hub doc.
Kelly Mansell commented
Please allow the ability to copy text from an invoice when uploading to Hubdoc. I have to have a PDF open as well, so I can copy/paste information from the invoice into Hubdoc.
Not being able to copy/paste means there is more room for error, as you have to type out each detail.