NZ Tax - Bulk create GST/Tax returns for the period/year
Currently we have to create GST/Tax returns one at a time for our entire list. It would be great if we can create gst returns on the gst jobs in one go so we don't miss any on the outstanding report.

Nick Wilkinson commented
As an implementation partner for Xero practices, I get asked about this for NZ XPM accounts also.
The ability to either auto roll-over or bulk generate draft income tax returns would save a huge amount of time and also allow to report fully in the report builder tax return modules. Also, the ability for admins to bulk delete returns would supplement this process where not required (currently singular return deletion available only).
Currently two separate reports are required (client returns not started & tax returns in progress) to see where the full tax workflow is at.
Common questions I get:
1 - Why I have to report in two separate reports to see all my tax returns (leads to Excel pivots and complexity)?
2 - Why I have to generate every single tax return when XPM has clients with signed authorities and tax returns expected (i.e. the rollover or bulk generation should be limited to certain fields, certainly not for all clients).Hope this helps add to the discussion as it is a nice win for practices if this can be surfaced on the roadmap.