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16 results found
220 votes
Thanks for the feedback and great to hear the use you find in repeat templates in Xero.
While there's no way to bulk update templates atm, you may find updating your templates through export & import of invoices more helps quicken things up?
You could export invoices that have been generated from your template to CSV, update the amounts in the exported file, and then re-import.
This will create 'Draft' invoices in your Xero org from which you can create a Repeat template and then delete the draft. 🙂
An error occurred while saving the comment Nick Wilkinson supported this idea · -
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Nick Wilkinson commentedPractice implementation partner here. The following is from a perspective of practice onboarding to XPM.
Yes no reporting on connected Xero orgs is a bug bare for us implementation partners also. It costs a minimum half day at best to migrate and merge client records since the Single Record eventuated in Feb 2024. A practice with less than 3000 clients to migrate will have on average 200-500 duplicate records in HQ (e.g. due to existing orgs invited and new orgs bulk loaded). A larger practice with 7000+ client records takes approx a full day to comb through and identify duplicates to match to incoming clients (last one had 2500 duplicate client records to merge and identify). We literally lose an entire day or more to update and merge records. Being able to see the connected Xero org in a report will help identify which records need to be retained and which need to be updated when bringing other client records across from external databases to match up to.
Nick Wilkinson supported this idea · -
238 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
9 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Nick Wilkinson commentedHave been asked by a number of practices for this feature request.
Specific audit trail items that would be beneficial:Jobs added, updated, deleted (who, date/time, detail)
Clients & contacts added, updated, deleted (who, date/time, detail)
Invoices added, updated, deleted (who, date/time, detail) - aware that can see on the invoice history but in a report is more what they are after so they can report in bulk.
Tax returns added, updated, deleted (who, date/time, detail) - aware that history shows in tax returns when viewing the return but in report would be great to report in bulk.
Agree that report builder audit log would be helpful too. -
18 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Nick Wilkinson commentedYes. Asked about this by a number of practices.
Missing fields such as Client Groups, Description and Custom Fields would allow for enhanced workflow insights (this would save on custom reports or Excel extracts that are currently required). -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Nick Wilkinson commentedAs an implementation partner for Xero practices, I get asked about this for NZ XPM accounts also.
The ability to either auto roll-over or bulk generate draft income tax returns would save a huge amount of time and also allow to report fully in the report builder tax return modules. Also, the ability for admins to bulk delete returns would supplement this process where not required (currently singular return deletion available only).
Currently two separate reports are required (client returns not started & tax returns in progress) to see where the full tax workflow is at.
Common questions I get:
1 - Why I have to report in two separate reports to see all my tax returns (leads to Excel pivots and complexity)?
2 - Why I have to generate every single tax return when XPM has clients with signed authorities and tax returns expected (i.e. the rollover or bulk generation should be limited to certain fields, certainly not for all clients).Hope this helps add to the discussion as it is a nice win for practices if this can be surfaced on the roadmap.
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Nick Wilkinson commentedValuable product suggestion here. As highlighted, for GST and other tax types there are no such reports that shows outstanding balances. When you run a custom 'Tax Statement' report and filter to GST tax type, it unfortunately is a dud field that doesn't pull any data for this tax type. And as there are no payment notices issued for GST, the 'Tax Payments (Approved)' report doesn't work for this either. Having the GST (and other tax types) statement balances sync from IRD would be great for practices to be able to follow up on outstanding amounts from IRD without having to leave XPM. I have had several accounting practices ask for this functionality in the reports which would be very valuable for ensuring GST balances get paid.
Nick Wilkinson supported this idea · -
371 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
226 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
3 votesNick Wilkinson shared this idea ·
90 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
422 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
536 votes
Thanks for your support on the idea, everyone. We thoroughly appreciate your participation, and letting us know where you'd like to see change across Xero.
Customer statements, is an area of Xero that needs upgrades to it's technology in order to make ideas like this one here possible.
Currently, while we have plans for modernising this space soon we cannot commit to any new developments for Statements until this work has been complete. Once this has been done I'll round back to the idea here when we can reset the objectives.
Nick Wilkinson supported this idea · -
353 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
3 votesNick Wilkinson shared this idea ·
11 votesNick Wilkinson supported this idea ·
In case it helps with understanding this issue. There is no current accounting API (end point) to allow their own web app to update repeating invoice templates (only retrieve and create). I could be wrong but from what I can see they would need to upgrade their API capabilities in order to develop the feature.
I'm not a developer so I don't know how anyone else has potentially solved this via 3rd party apps or integrations but at least this is my 5 cents in helping any frustrated customers further understand why it hasn't been created.
For Xero accounting partners automations are available in the likes of FYI Elite or Ignition software that can assist with automating repeat invoices from their platforms in lieu of using Xero (including bulk price uplifts).
For Xero business customers (accounting partners included) you could consider using platforms like Zapier or to drive repeating invoices from a Google Sheet (or similar) i.e. create a worksheet with details in which automated invoices are created in Xero and avoid having to use Xero for these at all. It possibly comes down to how much of a pain the issue is for you. Would anyone be interested in learning how to build your own no-code repeating invoice module and connect to Xero?